DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'eae2613a60994d0ea3051da8b885eb4f' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '9df49fc9320c78ce7cc59618686932e7' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'f71031b2374d9a9bb001934f505bddcd' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'a9899396ded75b0faa286a40e730f0d7' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '4b657b49b2266876150e8c78ef5b14d1' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'cc66b8ae650165bf6c8b67c9cdb29bfd' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '39daedbd53615bac650128b8f47905d6' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '406fba577c645f49710b7e2e3a2d6e5f' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'b00b078f969f0fa2bb7c9f0dba73f402' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '1f3cbf82d2076ff1ca7479bb1b286d11' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'a3018c5c32d2cd64d22bae56ec303670' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/4230.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '951dfe8b51173bfab93a411b0037ae07' limit 0,1;

dora遊戲 雙人遊戲 火影忍者遊戲 ben 10遊戲 麻將 憤怒鳥遊戲 恐怖遊戲 黃金礦工 賽車遊戲 植物大戰殭屍 喜羊羊與灰太狼小遊戲 神奇寶貝 超級瑪莉 泡泡龍 爆爆王小遊戲 風之谷 守城遊戲 三國遊戲 火柴人遊戲 槍戰遊戲 守護甜心 巧虎遊戲 大富翁 連連看小遊戲 海賊王影片 火影忍者直播室 死神 海綿寶寶 女生遊戲 無敵版遊戲 全部專輯



材料: 香蕉(去皮) 600克 蘋果100克 檸檬汁150cc 冰糖450克 廣口瓶1-2個 
1 。取深鍋一隻,放入廣口瓶,加水淹至廣口瓶后,打開爐火加熱。 
2 。蘋果去皮切成小塊,香蕉去皮備用。 
3 。先將冰糖及香蕉放入鍋中以小火加熱,並一面加熱一面將香蕉切成塊狀。 
4 。慢慢加入蘋果及檸檬汁,持續熬煮至糊狀。 
5 。廣口瓶加熱至水滾開約五分鐘,以筷子將瓶子及瓶蓋取出(此時瓶口朝下倒扣) ,待水份蒸發。 
6 。以快速的動作將做好的果醬裝入瓶中,加蓋后倒扣(這個動作可殺菌及密封,不可省略) ,放置陰涼處。待涼後放入冰箱保存,至多可放六個月。

上一篇:所有球 下一篇:薄煎餅小店