DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'e3668d1d639cb0f15f9c338fc1c90d30' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '619c54600cce7959268cb4c95f56bfdd' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '10ace82e0c799c5fe6acbcd8dc837531' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '40609533a86c9f76ebcee27d4d6e4cf6' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'af04b63b1dbbf47d873f138609a9ee59' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '89dd07572f7f31eb3bf0bd8e4ce05062' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '25cc60d6efd0bdd1c8506a48afdf4bf0' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '706a8ffe3fb0fd443c4ea12e0aa4442a' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'eccd64aba93f9dbc65c0bae02b276ead' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '10d184488de300dc2fdce84399f3909e' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'a3018c5c32d2cd64d22bae56ec303670' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/15829.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '951dfe8b51173bfab93a411b0037ae07' limit 0,1;

dora遊戲 雙人遊戲 火影忍者遊戲 ben 10遊戲 麻將 憤怒鳥遊戲 恐怖遊戲 黃金礦工 賽車遊戲 植物大戰殭屍 喜羊羊與灰太狼小遊戲 神奇寶貝 超級瑪莉 泡泡龍 爆爆王小遊戲 風之谷 守城遊戲 三國遊戲 火柴人遊戲 槍戰遊戲 守護甜心 巧虎遊戲 大富翁 連連看小遊戲 海賊王影片 火影忍者直播室 死神 海綿寶寶 女生遊戲 無敵版遊戲 全部專輯


  作為一款像素遊戲公司大暴斗算是相當有誠意了,史詩配樂,精緻的角色造型豐富的戰鬥場景以及各種華麗的戰鬥招式還是值得肯定的。這款遊戲和我們熟知的棋盤戰略遊戲一樣,玩家能夠召喚各種不同的兵種(員工)參加戰鬥,每個員工都有各自特殊的能力,員工間優點與缺點則需要依靠人員互補搭配來彌補,比如經理(manager)在遊戲中則但當了類似祭祀的職業,他能利用pay raise技能(加工資!)來為成員補充生命值,利用crack the whip技能(皮鞭要挾)來提高周圍單位的攻擊與速度等~當然還有更多豐富的角色技能跟道具就需要玩家們親自在遊戲中體驗。你可以通過多人遊戲與網路上的其他玩家對戰哦! 

操作方法:滑鼠點擊操作。S鍵人物 或者 單擊屏幕上方的人員列表中的頭像出現行動菜單 
Move Employee - 移動角色 
Attack - 攻擊 
Undo Move - 取消行動 
Grab Power Up - 拾取道具 
End - 結束當前回合,注意使用技能會消耗咖啡。 

上一篇:紙戰爭 下一篇:虛擬漂流村莊2