DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '8b91aae9322f83e0b4ba1f85a6f19bad' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'f9f347708eb0486a7a84d9eb29ce3b6a' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '178a0391336814972676aace5eebefd7' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '332d7b4bde67f691656dcc702f9cdf7c' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '88b12a7b4ca3e179cd2443f82a991b3e' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'c92138eed47fae3df9fd44c2144e12fd' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '25cc60d6efd0bdd1c8506a48afdf4bf0' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '706a8ffe3fb0fd443c4ea12e0aa4442a' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'eccd64aba93f9dbc65c0bae02b276ead' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '10d184488de300dc2fdce84399f3909e' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'a3018c5c32d2cd64d22bae56ec303670' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10857.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '951dfe8b51173bfab93a411b0037ae07' limit 0,1;

dora遊戲 雙人遊戲 火影忍者遊戲 ben 10遊戲 麻將 憤怒鳥遊戲 恐怖遊戲 黃金礦工 賽車遊戲 植物大戰殭屍 喜羊羊與灰太狼小遊戲 神奇寶貝 超級瑪莉 泡泡龍 爆爆王小遊戲 風之谷 守城遊戲 三國遊戲 火柴人遊戲 槍戰遊戲 守護甜心 巧虎遊戲 大富翁 連連看小遊戲 海賊王影片 火影忍者直播室 死神 海綿寶寶 女生遊戲 無敵版遊戲 全部專輯


   The Last Stand最後的戰役,曾幾何時,城市被這些變異僵屍佔據,市民不斷遭遇攻擊而遇害,人類面臨滅頂之災,玩家必須帶領主角通過重重考驗完成任務。第一天主角築了一道簡單的牆用來擋住這群可怕的僵屍,接下來還要找到剩餘的生還者,共同抵禦這些僵屍。不過你還是先撐過第一晚吧.....如果你幸運的存活下來,在以後的每個夜晚,你都得使出渾身解數來守護保壘,擊退前來進攻的僵屍群。在白天,你要善於利用時間尋找新武器、生還者,並修理受損的堡壘。每過一關后,會有12小時的時間可以讓你做以下的事情 1、修牆:每1小時修5點,人越多修越多點。 2、找武器:左下有個1條黑格,用時間加到滿可新增一把槍。 3、找生還者:分配的時間越多,有越高的機率找到生還者,這些人會在白天時幫你做更多的事,但有時候會隨機失蹤。操作方法:鍵盤WASD鍵控制主角移動,滑鼠瞄準射擊,R鍵填充子彈,空格鍵進行武器更換,Esc鍵進入遊戲菜單。

上一篇:聯機版對戰!弓戰 下一篇:四人坦克戰