DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '4a3bb3c70b0ad259d5654151ec961f8e' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '718aa5de6d18d7b1a9f65b5cec3a50d0' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '10b6520907b6042a4468c878588b9062' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'df952b05bae3b25b9ffaf98a58954363' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '87ceb4a09bcb3e4a3b2af2cebda597c3' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '988d180fa5fc84ad2e4e82c62684af62' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '0996bad1dde1bbaacb0e774a6117a622' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'acb46cfacfa87f8ce79da44f61cc73a6' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '42bec104f908c43c8827e40aa9cae882' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '295357c4b27a10d55e2d8faf759f900b' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = 'a3018c5c32d2cd64d22bae56ec303670' limit 0,1;

DedeCMS Error Warning!

Technical Support:

Error page: /game/10105.html
Error infos: Table './taotaobao/dede_arccache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error sql: Select cachedata,uptime From `dede_arccache` where md5hash = '951dfe8b51173bfab93a411b0037ae07' limit 0,1;

dora遊戲 雙人遊戲 火影忍者遊戲 ben 10遊戲 麻將 憤怒鳥遊戲 恐怖遊戲 黃金礦工 賽車遊戲 植物大戰殭屍 喜羊羊與灰太狼小遊戲 神奇寶貝 超級瑪莉 泡泡龍 爆爆王小遊戲 風之谷 守城遊戲 三國遊戲 火柴人遊戲 槍戰遊戲 守護甜心 巧虎遊戲 大富翁 連連看小遊戲 海賊王影片 火影忍者直播室 死神 海綿寶寶 女生遊戲 無敵版遊戲 全部專輯


   遊戲介紹:空蕩盪的家裡,真是讓人窒息,要如何逃開這恐怖詭異的家中呢? 又是一作逃離遊戲,鍛煉的機會到拉。。。。



很難玩啊。先拿篩拿到水裡的貝殼,再點,有綠鑰匙。進廚房旁的視聽室,枕頭有藍鑰匙。開電視下面的柜子,有DVD,放在DVD機里,看到要記住廚房玻璃杯的字。進廚房,記下杯的號碼。用藍鑰匙開洗手間的門,在小浴缸的下水道口多點幾次,找到晶元,用綠鑰匙開睡房門,在衣櫃襪子下找到第個晶元,進密碼房,密碼是0158(聽說是杯子加起來的總數),開第三層柜子,點幾下會發現第三個晶元,分別放在第一層柜子的眼鏡里,再點一下晶元,就會看到三個片子,根據提示找到首飾後放在書櫃的盒子里,得鑰匙,開窗檯的門,走人 注意注意!!逃出家門以後還有後續!!!!!! 按那些紫色的問號,你會再回到家 打電話之前找一下書架,上面有一張小便條,得到后才能打電話,號碼在便條上。 電話號碼175-543-477 >the first always the last 第一個總是最後一個,說明1在最後位置~ >right to the fourth, it`s just after the first 第一個位置,是第一個後面的那個,照前後推測不可能是7,所以只能是2 >the 6 is first,and the descending series that starts stops at 4 6是第一個,後面的系列直到4,所以開始的三個是654 >for the remaining three,7 is in the middle 剩下的三個空缺,7在最中間~ 所以!!呵呵呵~密碼是65428731或者65423781~兩個都試驗的結果是: 65428731!!! 換了畫面之後,就enter the hall了,不過就結束了,後面的還沒做^_^~ 進入老屋: 我那叫在家 多看閃光處 我只告訴你我玩到的部分 在書葉的閃光處找到鑰匙 在牆中閃光處找到手印 向左看影片 找到日記 向左 點左牆閃光處 記住714 向上 按右上電筒 在左下方上一點找到籠子 點圓輸密碼714 再點圓 拼圖 因偶不會,所以沒玩下去

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